Here We Go Again


I was finally prescribed ADHD meds and took my first dose of 10 mg Adderall XR yesterday. Just wanted to document my maybe not very notable experience.

Took it at 11:26 AM just before I ate my first meal of the day (intermittent fasting, plus I don't like breakfast.) I didn't feel any different to be honest, but I did end up finishing (and even enjoying) some work I had been stuck on for a few days. I'm not sure if it was the Adderall or I was just in the zone because I do often feel the flow when a difficult task starts going well.

I found myself wanting to continue working even after work hours, but that may also be in part due to Max and I getting into an argument and I was pouring myself into work to avoid him.

I guess there are too many variables to 100% credit the medication for how I felt, but I do think it probably helped to some extent. I keep thinking it's a placebo and I only feel more focused because I know I'm taking it. But honestly, if there are results, it doesn't matter to me.

One issue I had was I had difficulty falling asleep at 12:30 AM even after feeling tired, but that has also been a common issue for me. It really isn't uncommon for me to go into the odd hours when trying to fall asleep, even if I head to bed around 10 PM. I'm going to try taking it earlier in the day and maybe just adjusting my intermittent fasting hours. I took my next pill at 10:30 AM this morning.

I'm asking my doctor if I can take the pills as needed (on workdays) and skip days where I'm not working. I hear about the long-term effects and reliance on the meds and they worry me, so I'm hoping to avoid taking more than I need.

I'm really glad to have finally gotten to try these pills. I've sought out help for potential ADHD years ago and tried non-stimulants that I wasn't sure was really effective. Even if Adderall doesn't work out for me in the end, at least I'll whittle down the list of potential solutions.