Here We Go Again

An Unproductive Dreamer

I'm a big dreamer. Tonight, I've been imagining creating my own game studio. I'm thinking about what to call it, how stupid I'm going to make its logo, and what kind of silly names I'd give my games.

Meanwhile, I still have a barely-started game sitting on my plate for a month.

I wish I could spend my mental energy into thinking about how I can complete my game instead. I wish I could just sit at my computer and work on it. I love developing games, but for whatever reason, I have no will to do it as of late.

Am I just overwhelmed with work? Once I log off from work, I want nothing more than to laze around and be unproductive. And then when I'm laying around in bed hopelessly trying to sleep, I feel guilty about it.

Maybe if I actually get good sleep instead of chastising myself for being lazy, I'll have the energy to do the things I dream about.