Here We Go Again

Dog Adoption - Round 2

I'm doing such a bad job of updating this. Not sure why I haven't been in the mood lately.

Anyway, today Max and I checked out another shelter to look for a dog. I contacted the the place, which was originally a greyhound adoption shelter that now specializes in importing street dogs from the Middle East, and we had a few meet-and-greets today.

The four dogs we met were all more on the shy/aloof side. Apparently they have been at the shelter for maybe two years because people, understandably, aren't attracted to shy dogs.

The one that stuck out of us was a sweet girl named Lucky. She was a street dog from Oman. She was super submissive and rolled on her back a lot, which was actually really adorable. She needed coaxing to say hi to us, but was eventually we were able to pet her.

Is it weird that I kinda like the idea of having a "project dog"? I love seeing progress. That was one of the things I loved about training my cat, Dogmeat. He went from being scared of a leash to being able to walk on it indoors, uncomfortable with nail clippings and teeth brushing to tolerating it, and he was able to learn a couple of tricks, including high-fiving, shaking paws, playing dead, and sitting up on his hind legs. It was really fun to train him, and I hope I could do the same with Lucky.

We haven't submitted our application yet, so I don't want to get my hopes up just yet.