Here We Go Again

Fixing My Sleep - Attempt #Gazillion

I've suffered from poor sleep habits for as long as I can remember, whether it's sleeping too much, sleeping too little, or sleeping at odd hours of the day. I've attempted to work on it several times in the past without luck.

Yesterday, I went to the doctor for a check-up, and I suppose I feel a bit motivated to try again. Here are some changes I am hoping to do consistently and routinely.

  1. Take melatonin at 9 pm every night until my body habitually feels tired at that time.

  2. Attempt to wake up at 8 am every day (already messed up on this one because I woke up at 6 am and didn't want to go back to sleep. At least I still got my 8 hours.) Also need to draw the blinds for natural sunlight and/or turn on the lights, so I don't oversleep.

  3. First thing after getting out of bed, I should immediately head to the bathroom, take a piss, brush my teeth, and put on deodorant.

  4. Go for a brief walk, maybe 10 minutes or so.

  5. Eat breakfast. I'm a breakfast skipper because I normally don't feel hungry in the morning, but perhaps adding fuel to my body will naturally make me feel more awake.

  6. Sit at the desk for work instead of the comfy sofa.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do all of these consistently at first. I at least want to do #1-3 and #6 for now.

Going to get out of bed now. Wish me luck!