Here We Go Again

Life Update - 4/11/23

It's been about two weeks since I've updated this. I'm really slacking off!

I've been keeping busy with work and Poochina. She's usually a lazy pooch who enjoys laying in her bed all day, so she's pretty low maintenance. The best kind of dog!

Dogmeat has been adjusting well to her being here too. The other day, he was attacking her tail from under the bed; that was super cute to see! He'll also sniff her paws and she sniffs his butt lol.

I really miss certain things he would do that he doesn't seem to do after we've gotten her now though. He used to greet us in the morning and when we return home, but I think he's gotten scared off because Pooch also comes to greet us and her energy level is too high for him (typical chill cat vs hyper dog). He still follows me into the bathroom when she's not around though haha. He'll always be my favorite boy.

Work-wise, I've been doing more or less of the same things. I worked on a Sunday for the first time to cover my coworker's shift for his birthday. It's so chill and I can see why he loves it so much! Too bad I can't take more of them because I'd only have one full day a week to hang out with Max otherwise.

Last Saturday, Max and I went to a concert to see Free Throw. It was the first music event we've gone to in a couple of months. It was nice despite the fact that I totally got nauseous and threw up from an edible I took earlier. I'm glad I did though because I enjoyed the rest of the concert a lot more when I wasn't feeling sick haha.

In my own time, I've been super obsessed with Pocket Frogs right now. I do hope I can be more productive though. Luckily tomorrow is my day off since I covered my coworker's shift, so hopefully I can get stuff done then!