Here We Go Again

Netflix's Beef

Just finished watching Beef on Netflix, and wow, it was so good! I would have binged it if I could, but I was watching the series with Max and he's not much of a binger. Every episode left me wanting to watch more!

I really love how flawed all of the characters are. They're all assholes, but then they do something redeeming and you root for them, until they're assholes again. They all ultimately want to be good people, but they're selfish and they know they're bad for everyone around them.

As someone who mostly recovered from years of depression (thanks, Lexapro), I also found a lot of aspects of the show relatable. I always found it interesting that a lot of depressed people feel alone even though we're mentally connected in a way. We share a common perspective and understand certain mindsets that people who have never been depressed do not understand at all.

Lastly, I love that it doesn't treat its Asian cast like stereotypes. I'm not sure why it took so long to create a show like this, where Asian characters weren't just honorable, fresh-off-the-boat martial artists. And they were the main characters in a non-Asian setting, my hometown of LA (818 represent!) Huge breath of fresh air. Also awesome to see Ali Wong and Steven Yeun take up these roles because I also appreciated that they didn't play stereotypical Asian characters in Human Resources and Walking Dead, respectively.

I hope they're planning a season 2. I haven't looked forward to a new season of a show like this since Game of Thrones!