Here We Go Again

New Routine. Also We're Going to Be Dog Parents!

It's been three days of my new routine, and even though it's not going perfectly, it's been going well!

I'm still struggling to sleep through the night. Today, I woke up at 3:45 am. The previous night was 2:00 am, and I ended up napping for an hour or so before work. I find that melatonin helps me fall asleep, but it doesn't help me stay asleep. I think my next step would be to incorporate exercise to help tire me out, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.

I have been going for morning walks. Very brief ones, just so I can put my pokemon in the gym for Pokemon GO lol. It takes maybe 5-10 minutes max. It's too chilly out there right now and I don't feel like going out for longer, but I think this is a good start!

I've been trying not to eat too late at night, so I'll wake up feeling hungry in the morning. I wanna make breakfast my favorite time of the day, so my body has something to look forward to. It's funny because breakfast foods are typically my least favorite foods. But I mean, who's stopping me from having spaghetti at 7:00 am?

Still doing work on my couch. It's too damn comfortable to give up. I guess as long as I'm alert and being productive, it shouldn't matter too much though.

Also, I forgot to mention, we were approved to adopt Lucky yesterday! Looking back at my old post about lamenting about how hard it would be to adopt a dog that fit our criteria, I feel like I was a being a little overdramatic now haha. But I suppose she's still not the "ideal" dog, in the sense that she's got some issues that we're going to need to help her with; thus, less competition to get her because fewer people would want a difficult dog.

We can't bring her home yet as Max is traveling to Texas for a week, and we'd rather she come home with both of us here. I'm really looking forward to training her. Watching a creature learn and grow is so awesome to witness, especially if you helped them get there. :)