Here We Go Again

Work Anniversary

It's official! I've been at my job for exactly one year.

This is a huge accomplishment for me. For years, I struggled with finding employment. There was a two-year gap in between me finding my first job after graduating university, and after that job ended (6 month contract), it took me another 2+ years to find my current job after the whole COVID fiasco.

It's a little embarrassing to admit that this is the longest I've been working when I'm almost 30. I'm at the same stage a fresh-outta-college grad "should" be at. Most of my colleagues in my cohort are a lot younger than me, and after two of my coworkers were let go, I'm now the oldest of the group.

It makes me feel very behind, but I have to remind myself not to be so hard on myself. I shouldn't kick myself so hard for things I had no control over in the past.

This is the present. I now have a job, I now am gaining knowledge for my job, and I now am making money and am finally saving for the things I want in life.

It's a slow process, but at least it's happening. I've finally acquired experience with working, and in terms of employment, I hope it can only go up from here. I've made it over the dreaded hump of having little/no work experience.

I'll need to remain diligent and keep on improving myself. Here's to one more year! 🥂